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Location near Old Bolingbroke, Lincolnshire, England
Description Bolingbroke Castle is located at Bolingbroke in Lincolnshire. The castle is now in ruins, although much of the lower walls and the ground floors of the towers are still standing. Most of the castle is built of Spilsby greenstone. The castle was built as a polygonal enclosure with seven horseshoe-shaped towers. Two of the towers form the entrance to the enclosure. The castle is does not have a keep. The curtain wall was 12 feet thick and there used to be a surrounding moat.
Bolingbroke Castle is open to visitors all year round, and hosts occasional events throughout the year including historical events and music concerts..
History Bolingbroke Castle was built by Randulph de Blundeville, Earl of Chester around 1220. Randulph de Blundeville also built Beeston Castle at around the same time (like Bolingbroke, Beeston Castle had no keep). The castle passed to the House of Lancaster in 1311. King Henry IV was born at Bolingbroke Castle in 1366. Bolingbroke was partially destroyed in 1643 during the English Civil War and abandoned shortly afterwards. The castle is now in ruins.
The Duchy of Lancaster handed the site to the Ministry of works in 1949 and they undertook major excavation of the ruins. Management of the castle was handed over from English Heritage to the Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire in 1995
Other Castles in the Area Tattershall Castle, Lincolnshire
 Bolingbroke Castle and Moat. The blue container in the background marks King's Court.
Photograph by Dave Hitchborne. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
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