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Location near to Castle Rising, Norfolk, England
Description Castle Rising is located in the village of Castle Rising in Norfolk, England. The castle is in ruins but most of the square keep is still standing - the keep was probably modeled on Norwich Castle. An impressive feature of the castle is the massive earthworks surrounding the castle keep (one of the largest in the country). The castle earthworks cover an area of about twelve acres. There is an oval shaped inner bailey, and two smaller enclosures to the east and west. There is a ruined church north of the castle that dates to around 1100. The castle is now in the care of English Heritage and is open to the public.
History Castle Rising was built around 1140 by William d'Albini, 1st Earl of Arundel, who also owned Arundel Castle. The castle and earthworks were extended during the late 12th or early 13th century. This may have been in response to the Revolt of 1173-1174 when Hugh Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk captured Norwich Castle during the revolt. During the Anarchy (1135-1154) the castle was used as a mint producing coins for King Stephen.
Between 1330 and 1358, it was the residence of the disgraced former Queen Isabella of France. The castle passed to the Howard family in 1544 and it remains in the family today. Castle Rising Castle has been used over the years as a hunting lodge, royal residence, and in the 18th century used as to house mental patients.
 Castle Rising keep. Largely built c1140, the impressive keep at Castle Rising is one of the most important twelfth century castles in England
Photograph by Richard Croft. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
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