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Location Loch Assynt, Sutherland, Highland, Scotland
Description Ardvreck Castle ruins can be reached by driving along the A837 which follows the north shore of Loch Assynt from the village of Inchnadamph
Ardvreck Castle is built on a rocky promontory on Loch Assynt in Sutherland, North West Highlands of Scotland. Ardvreck Castle was originally a large structure and it is believed to have had a walled garden and formal courtyard. The remains of the foundations can still be seen and cover a large area. The central keep was rectangular and three storeys tall. There was a vaulted basement under the castle. The castle is now in ruins - all that remains is a tower and part of a defensive wall.
History The castle is thought to have been built around 1590 by the Clan MacLeod family. During the time of the Covenanters, James Graham, the Marquis of Montrose, was captured and held at Ardvreck Castle before being transported to Edinburgh for trial and execution. Montrose was a Royalist, fighting on the side of Charles I against the Covenanters. After being defeated at the Battle of Carbondale, Montrose fled to Ardvreck, but was trapped in the castle dungeon by the MacLeods who sent for the Covenanter troops.
 Ardvreck Castle on the Shore of Loch Assynt. Taken looking NW with Quinag in the background
Photograph by Richard Baker. Some rights reserved. (view image details)
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